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Introduction by Amanda Held Opelt

  “He was my North, my South, my East, and West…” From W.H. Auden’s “Funeral Blues” Growing up, I spent plenty of sleepless nights worri...

Monday, August 22, 2022

"Finding my strength after the storm" Guest post by Bethany Crouch


Iowa's unmatched weather patterns are eerily parallel to my last decade of life. Sure there have been anticipated season changes like winter swiftly turns to spring by late April and then steadily pacing us right into scorching hot temperatures in the middle of July. There have also been a few unmatched derechos or tornados with devastating storm damage in my life leaving me cautious to go outside and assess the damage but yet oddly capable to see the good that might come of it. In a few short weeks as another season begins to visibly change our trees around us it will be the tenth anniversary of my twin brother suddenly passing away in a motorcycle accident.