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Introduction by Amanda Held Opelt

  “He was my North, my South, my East, and West…” From W.H. Auden’s “Funeral Blues” Growing up, I spent plenty of sleepless nights worri...

Saturday, May 22, 2021


I ran across this on twitter from a "grief expert" that I follow, Megan Devine.  Her website and tweets have helped me immensely with my own processing and how to be a better friend and support to others in grief.  Each semester I speak to our Leadership class about appreciation and gratitude.  I talk about my sister and explain that while I certainly am not thankful my sister died, I am thankful for the person I became because of the experience.  I can look back and see that what bloomed from her sickness and death is a flower of kindness and empathy for those in need.  "you will never be the same nor should you be the same."  Each experience of our lives shapes us into a new version of ourselves, if we let it.



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